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Speed Camera Sabotage In New York, Virginia, Europe
Vigilantes took out speed cameras in New York, Virginia, France, Germany, Italy and the UK last week.

Beautification Squad NYC
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

In New York City, New York, the Staten Island Beautification Squad got to work blocking speed cameras with flowers last week. The automated ticketing machine on Armstrong Avenue was one of a dozen decorated with a bouquet on a long stick that was duct taped to the camera's mounting pole. A calling card taking credit for the move was also attached to the pole. Under New York law, vandalism or criminal mischief charges only apply if damage is done to property.

In Richmond, Virginia, a speed camera was knocked out Friday after it failed to prevent an accident at West Blake Lane and Midlothian Turnpike. In icy conditions, a driver slid into the automated ticketing machine.

In Ludenscheid, Germany, vigilantes on Sunday destroyed the speed camera on Talstrasse by smashing it open and crushing the electronics within. The lens of the mobile photo radar on Altenaer Strasse was also smashed that evening. On Wednesday, vigilantes in Southampton, England cut down the pole-mounted speed and red light camera on Northam Bridge in Bitterne. In Reggio Calabria, Italy, vigilantes knocked over the pole supporting a red light camera at the intersection of Viale Calabria and the Calopinace River slip road on Monday, January 13.

In France, the Rural Coordination of Haute-Loire blinded a pole-mounted "turret" speed camera on Saturday. In Cheveuges, the speed camera on the RD977 was wrapped in pink tape and cut down with an angle grinder last week. In Saint-Amand-Montrond, vigilantes placed a bale of hay in front of the speed camera on the RD925 and lit it on fire. The automated ticketing machine was completely destroyed.

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