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Speed Cameras Disabled in Arizona, France
Arizona freeway camera vans receive Post-It Note treatment while French cameras are burned and painted black.

Post-It note speed camera
Vigilantes in Arizona have declared their independence from speed cameras. Over the past two weeks, Post-It Notes have been placed on mobile speed camera vans operated on Phoenix-area freeways by Redflex Traffic Systems, an Australian company. As a result of the notes, photographs taken by the unmanned Ford SUVs are unusable for ticketing purposes.

The Post-It Notes leave no permanent damage, but they have been a favorite of the state's vigilantes as they reference a July 2008 incident that angered Governor Jan Brewer (R) while she served as secretary of state. In the course of an investigation, a Redflex employee "wrote a short response to the complaint on a post it note," making light of an official state inquiry into the company's falsification of legal documents (view Brewer response).

Vigilantes in France had more permanent damage in mind last Tuesday. A speed camera on the CD 437 at Maisons-du-Bois-Lievremont was completely destroyed by fire. A second camera on the RN 57 near Vuillecin was covered in black paint, according to France 3-TV.

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