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Speed Cameras Under Worldwide Assault
Vigilantes attack red light and speed cameras in France, France, Ireland, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and UK.

Parma, Italy camera shot
Another Redflex speed camera van was attacked Saturday at 3am in Ireland, the Irish Examiner reported. The Australian van had been issuing tickets near Quigley's Point in Inishowen. A camera van burned to the ground last month.

In Parma, Italy a vigilante shot a speed camera early Monday with a 12-gauge shotgun. The well-placed shots destroyed the camera system, Gazzetta di Parma reported.

In Medina, Saudi Arabia last Sunday a vigilante attacked a "Saher" speed camera van. The man hurled rocks, smashing the vehicle's windows. According to Al Watan, police have identified a suspect.

In Chavagne, France last week vigilantes cut an automated ticketing machine from its base. The device had only been recently installed on the D34 at the intersection of Belle-Branche, Ouest-France reported. Last week Tuesday vigilantes covered a speed camera on the N102 in Pont-de-Labeaume with a garbage can, preventing it from issuing tickets, Le Dauphine reported. On March 31 vigilantes grabbed a red light camera on the Avenue d'Anduze in Ales as workers were about to permanently install it in a concrete base. The workers had left for the day intending to return to complete the installation. Midi Libre reports that the device was recovered in a local schoolyard.

In Telford, England vigilantes burned a speed camera at 11:50pm last week Saturday, according to the Shropshire Star. The device was located on Station Road in Ketley.

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