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France, Taiwan, UK: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Swiped
Speed cameras spraypainted in France and Taiwan. In England, they are cut down and carried away.

Taiwan speed camera
Vigilantes in Poitiers, France covered a speed camera in red paint on Thursday, Citizenside reported. The device had been just been installed on the Rocade a St Benoit earlier this month.

Speed cameras in Taiwan are similarly attacked at least three times a month, according to the Taipei Times. Initially, vigilantes preferred to smash the lenses of the devices, but recently the preferred technique has involved spraypainting the lens or covering it in tape.

In Derbyshire, England, vigilantes last weekend cut down and hauled off a speed camera, BBC News reported. The device had issued automated tickets on Worksop Road in Mastin Moor. In Telford, the speed camera set on fire April 2 on Station Road in Ketley remains disabled, the Shropshire Star reported.

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