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Canada, France: Speed Cameras Disabled
Rocks hurled at speed camera car in Canada while French vigilantes spraypaint cameras.

Edmonton camera van windshield
A speed camera in Marmagne, France was spraypainted black yesterday. The automated ticketing machine located in Bois de Ruault has only been operational for six weeks. Elsewhere in the Saone-et-Loire region, officials removed warning signs that notified drivers of upcoming cameras. Vigilantes responded by spraypainting their own "R!" warning notices on the pavement several hundred yards in advance of cameras at Antully, Saint-Cyr, Mesvres, and Macon, Creusot-infos reported.

Green was the color of choice for vigilantes in Etain. Spraypaint covered the face of the speed camera on the D603 between Verdun and Etain last week. The device had been installed on June 20 and was still in a test mode, not issuing actual tickets, Est Republicain reported. A frequently targeted speed camera in Monteils on the D926 was once again spraypainted fluorescent orange last week Saturday, according to La Depeche.

In Edmonton, Canada a vigilante attacked a mobile photo radar van on Monday while it was parked at Argyll Road and 75 Street. Rocks were lobbed at the vehicle over a fence, creating large cracks in the windshield, Global Saksatoon reported. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

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