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Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, UK: Speed Cameras Destroyed, Damaged
Vigilantes worldwide use sticks, spraypaint and fire to disable and dismantle automated ticketing machines.

Belgium speed camera crash
A speed camera was set on fire in West Yorkshire, England last weekend. According to the Spenborough Guardian, a burning tire was used to destroy the device on Halifax Road in the hamlet of Hartshead Moor Top.

In Haut-Doubs, France, vigilantes have once again covered the speed camera in Houtaud with pink spraypaint. Plen Air reports the device still has residual paint left on it from a similar attack a few weeks ago.

In Szczecin, Poland, vigilantes on Thursday covered a speed camera with spray paint. The device located on the Wojska Polskiego turned out to be an empty camera housing, Szczecin Gazeta reported.

In Moen, Belgium a speed camera was destroyed after it failed to stop an accident. A car headed down the Keiberg toward Zwevegem smashed into the pole, knocking it over according to Handelsblad.

In Brescia, Italy vigilantes used silver, purple and brown spraypaint to disable six speed cameras on Friday. Four were located in Niardo and two in Malegno, according to Giornalettismo. In Rovigo, Italy a thirty-year-old man was arrested and accused of bashing a speed camera with a stick last week Sunday. Police in the Piano di Riva area and saw the man whacking the camera with a stick, Il Resto del Carlino reported.

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