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France, Poland, UK: Speed Camera Sawed, Smashed, Scorched
Speed cameras in France, Poland and Scotland come under vigilante attack.

Polish speed camera smashed lens
A speed camera in the Borders region of Scotland caught fire last week Saturday just before midnight. According to The Scotsman, the device issued tickets on the A1 near Dunglass Roundabout. About twenty cameras have been attacked in the region since 2004.

Vigilantes in Lower Silesia, Poland used a rock to smash the lens of a recently installed speed camera, reported. The automated ticketing machine located on the DK.8 in Mleczna was unable to issue citations, despite the relatively low cost of repair.

In Essarts le Roi, France, vigilantes cut down a speed camera on January 10 at around 11:30am. According to Le Parisien, one of the camera poles on the D202 Rue de Dampierre was removed with a saw.

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