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France, UK: Speed Cameras Set On Fire
Two speed cameras in England and three in France are set on fire. UK camera van has its tires slashed and a fake camera is pulled down.

Burned speed camera in France
Vigilantes in Norfolk, England set fire to a speed camera at 11:20pm last Sunday. This is the third time that the camera on A1067 Fakenham Road in the village of Taverham has been burned, the Norwich Evening News reported. In North Yorkshire, a man slashed the tires of a an automated number plate recognition (ANPR) camera van on May 18. The vans are used to track the movement of the public and sometimes issue citations in the mail for minor infractions. According to the Northern Echo, the device was on the side of the A171 near Whitby when an unidentified individual cut two of the van's tires.

In Warwickshire, vigilantes used a trail of tires to burn a speed camera on the A426 Rugby Road just five days after it was installed, the Leamington Observer reported. Even fake speed cameras are being taken out of commission. According to the West Sussex County Times, a busybody homeowner installed a fake camera in front of her home on the A283. Last week Saturday, it had been ripped out of the ground.

In Belfort, France, vigilantes destroyed three speed cameras on Sunday. The first went down at around 1:40am in Chaux, completely destroyed by the flames. Two hours later, cameras on both sides of the RD83 in Felon were damaged by fire, according to Le Pays. All three attacks used burning tires to fuel the blaze. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

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