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Ohio, Finland, France, Germany, UK: Speed Cameras Burned, Pelted
Speed cameras came under attack in the United States and Europe last week.

Speed camera blasted
In Lucas, Ohio vigilantes last week Sunday cut two of the cables used by a speed camera, taking the device owned and operated by Optotraffic out of service.

Vigilantes in Oroer, France set fire to a speed camera last week Saturday. The device was located on the D1001 between Beauvais and Breteuil, Le Parisien reported. In Ceintrey, a man used a large caliber hunting rifle to shoot a speed camera six times. The camera had been issuing tickets on the D913, Est Republicain reported. Three rounds blasted the camera lens and two rounds hit the middle section of the camera housing.

In Heinavesi, Finland, vigilantes helped themselves to a speed camera last week. According to YLE, the entire device, including the pole, went missing. The country has seen a number of the cameras damaged by anything from rocks to shotgun blasts.

In Berkshire, England a speed camera was set on fire around 4am on Tuesday, the Newbury Weekly News reported. A hole had been drilled into the camera on Greenham Road in the vilage of Greenham. Gasoline was poured into the camera housing to feed the blaze

In Duisburg, Germany police released the photo of one of three men who yelled at the driver of a speed camera car and then smashed the vehicle with a concrete block on October 30, 2012. Officials announced a thirty-year-old man took credit for the attack on Friday.

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