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Australia, Italy: Speed Camera Spin And Swerve
Australians swerve at speed cameras while Italians spin them around.

Italian speed camera spun around
In Fontaniva, Italy, vigilantes disabled a speed camera last week Sunday by spinning it around so it faced away from the street. According to Il Gazzettino, the automated ticketing machine on via Casoni Nuova had just been installed days before the incident.

Motorists in Victoria, Australia are demonstrating their dislike for speed cameras in a number of ways that have annoyed police officials. In an interview with ABC News (Australia), the top cop in Victoria explained drivers show their disgust with automated enforcement nearly every day.

"So over the last twelve months there's been somewhere of the vicinity of about 240-250 incidents, focused on from anywhere from vehicles swerving at mobile speed cameras to objects being thrown, to people confronting mobile speed camera operators," Superintendent Dean McWhirter said. "And so it's a concern for us. And we're particularly concerned about the swerving issue."

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