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Arizona, Ohio, France: Speed Cameras Ridiculed, Disabled
Speed cameras in the US and France are disabled with spraypaint, knocked over and offered for sale as a prank.

Painted French speed camera
A speed camera failed to prevent an accident in Prescott Valley, Arizona last week Sunday. The Prescott Valley Tribune reports that a driver slammed into the automated ticketing machine on Glassford Hill Road and Long Look Drive, knocking it over completely. Police have no idea who might be responsible.

In New Miami, Ohio, a "For Sale" sign was slapped on the back of a mobile speed camera trailer on Thursday. According to Journal News, the automated ticketing machine was on US 127 was being offered for $1 million. Humorless police officers removed the sign.

Vigilantes disabled a speed camera in Parempuyre, France last week Sunday. According to Sud Ouest, the lens of the automated ticketing machine on the D210 was covered is a gray-green paint.

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