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France, Germany, Italy Speed Cameras Disabled
Vigilantes throughout Europe use spraypaint and other tools to knock speed cameras out of commission.

Spraypainted speed camera in France
Vigilantes in Kranenburg, Germany pried off the lens cover of a speed camera at 4:30am on Saturday. According to Nordrhein-Westfalen Police, an alarm went off on Dorfstrasse, but by the time officers arrived the assailants had left.

In Mogliano, Italy, vigilantes have continued a string of attacks in the area by taking out six speed cameras over the weekend. Il Gazzettino reports automated ticketing machines on the streets Vanzo, Roma, Ronzinella, Cavalleggeri, Terraglio, Preganziol and Barbiero were knocked over, incapable of issuing tickets.

A British national disabled a speed camera in Flers, France last weekend. According to Tendance Ouest, he admitted to using orange spraypaint to cover the lens of the automated ticketing machine on the RD962. Le Progres reports that gray spraypaint was used to disable a speed camera in Espaly-Saint-Marcel. In Fontenay-sur-Eure, vigilantes smashed the lens of the speed camera on the D921 last week Tuesday and tore off the front panel of the device, according to Radio Intensite. In Saint-Bris-le-Vineux, vigilantes spraypainted a camera on the D606 and another on the RN77 a bright shade of blue early last week, reported. In Valentigney, pink was the color of choice on the RD437, according to Est Republicain.

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