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France, UK: Speed Cameras Spraypainted, Scorched
European vigilantes disable speed cameras with fire and spraypaint.

Clecy, France speed camera
Vigilantes in Warwickshire, England destroyed a speed camera on Monday. Nuneaton News reports that a burning tire was used to set fire to the automated ticketing machine on the A5 in Nuneaton.

Last weekend, a speed camera in Clecy-sur-Orne, France was spraypainted black, according to Lorne Combattante. Vigilantes used a broader selection of colors in the Yonne region, L'Yonne reported. Over the past several weeks, they used white paint in Merry-Sec on the RN151; blue paint in Saint-Bris-le-Vineux on the D606; black paint in Villeneuve-sur-Yonne on the D606; and pink in Pontigny on the RN77. In total, sixteen speed cameras -- one half of the number installed -- have been attacked since January.

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