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Speed Cameras Burn In Italy, France, UK
Speed cameras across Europe were torched last week.

French speed camera car burned
Vigilantes set fire to a pair of speed cameras in Slough, England last Monday around 1am. According to the Slough Express, the automated ticketing machines on Uxbridge Road suffered moderate damage.

The speed camera car was set on fire in Nantes, France on Wednesday at 2:30am fared much worse. Presse Ocean reported that the Peugeot 407 photo radar vehicle burned to the ground on Prairie de Mauves Boulevard.

In Caspoggio, Italy, two men, aged 22 and 23, set fire to a "Velo OK" brand speed camera last week Sunday at around 3am. According to Gazzetta di Sondrio, the pair knocked the camera over, then set it on fire when a passing police car saw what was happening and gave chase. The automated ticketing machine was disabled as a result of the damage done.

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