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Gemany Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Oiled, Painted, Exploded
Throughout Europe, vigilantes find new methods to disable and destroy automated ticketing machines.

Spraypainted Italian speed camera
Vigilantes set fire to a speed camera in Minsterworth, England on March 20. According to the Gloucester Citizen newspaper, the automated ticketing machine on the A48 only suffered cosmetic damage, and the blaze was extinguished by 9 pm. In Wisbech, the Wisbech Standard reported that a man was injured by a speed camera warning sign. Jim McDonald had been walking on a path when he was forced to dodge a cyclist. Because the sign is mounted too low, he cut his head on the sign, which is covered in green mold.

In Arezzo, Italy, vigilantes last week came up with a new way to disable speed cameras -- cooking oil. La Nazione reported that the liquid was poured into the automated ticketing machine on the 71, effectively disabling the device. In Castellanza, blue spraypaint was used to block the lenses of a trio of speed camera last week. According to Legnano News, the automated ticketing machines had just been installed a week earlier on the Viale Borri, Via Nizzolina and Via Don Minzoni.

In Nenndorf, Germany, vigilantes blew up a speed camera. According to Harburg police, explosives were used to take out the fixed radar unit on Bremer Strasse at about 4 am.

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