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France: Speed Cameras Defaced, Burned
Fire and spraypaint disabled speed cameras throughout France last week.

Spraypainted camera in Lussac
Vigilantes disabled a speed camera in Lussac-les-Chateaux, France on Tuesday. According to La Nouvelle Republique, the same automated ticketing machine had been attacked several times in the past. This time, red spraypaint was used to cover the camera lenses to prevent citations from being issued. Red spraypaint was also the weapon of choice in Bellevue-la-Montagne, where vigilantes disabled the automated ticketing machine on the RD906, Renouveau reported. According to Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace, red spraypaint took out the speed camera in Siewiller in Alsace Bossue. The vigilantes also wrote the number "67" on the side of the automated ticketing machine.

Vigilantes switched to light blue paint in Versailles. Le Parisien reported that the camera on the D185 was disabled on Friday. In Allier, the speed camera on the RN7 near Saint-Gerand-le-Puy was damaged after being set on fire last Tuesday, according to La Montagne. The brand new, portable speed camera in Bretagne was also set on fire last week, 20 Minutes reported.

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