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France, Germany: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Smashed, Scorched
Vigilantes disabled speed cameras throughout France and Germany last week.

Burned camera in Rillan, France
In Donzere, France, vigilantes disabled a speed camera on Saturday by covering its lenses with red paint. The same device on the D541 had previously been completely covered in red paint on August 20, according to Le Dauphine. The same fate befell the speed camera in Tossiat, Le Progres reported, as red spraypaint covered the lenses on the automated ticketing machine on the RD1075. In Rillan, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera between Plaintel and Saint Brandan on Tuesday, according to Ouest France.

In Bad Freienwalde, Germany, a 64-year-old farmer destroyed a speed camera on Tuesday. According to Markische Online Zeitung, the man was driving his truck on the Ladestrasse when police decided to inspect his vehicle and trailer. He was ticketed for failing to cover his load according to regulations, so he took the laser speed camera gun the officers were using in a mobile speed trap and smashed it against the ground, causing 6000 euros (US $6700) in damage.

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