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Belgium, France, UK: Indecent Speed Camera Operator Caught, Cameras Burned
UK police officer driving a speed camera van busted for child porn. Vigilantes in Belgium and France destroyed speed cameras last week.

Bradley Paul Smith
Bradley Paul Smith, a 36-year-old speed camera van driver with the North Yorkshire, England, police entered a guilty plea on February 10 to possession of 3,626 indecent photos of children. He also pleaded guilty to voyeurism charges for secretly filming in a men's gym locker room. Police investigators noted that he had uploaded photos on the day he was arrested -- a day he was on duty.

On Saturday, vigilantes in Annay, France, torched the pole-mounted turret speed camera on the RD917. Around the same time, another turret radar on the Col du Poirier in Monthureux-le-Sec was cut down and set on fire. On Wednesday, red paint blinded the speed camera located on the RD977 in Suippes. On March 2, the turret speed camera on the RN102 in Fix-Saint-Geneys was severed from its base and knocked over. Around the same time, black paint was used to blind the recently repaired speed camera on the A16 in Saint Leonard. The speed camera on Boulevard Strategique in Verdun that had burned two weeks ago was again toppled and torched.

Vigilantes in Montigny-le-Tilleul, Belgium, took out the speed camera that had been just installed on the Rue de Gozee.

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