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DC, France, Italy, New Zealand: Speed Cameras Thrashed
Speed cameras were disabled last week in Washington, DC, New Zealand, France and Italy.

White spraypaint on photo radar
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in Washington, DC, on Wednesday knocked over the speed camera that had been issuing automated tickets on H Street NE, adding the derogatory message, "[Expletive] you, Obama." The District and its for-profit contractor, Verra Mobility, position these devices at entrances and exits to the city so that the majority of tickets go to tourists and Virginia or Maryland residents. Only 16 percent of tickets go to drivers who live in the city.

In Grottaferrata, Italy, newly installed "Velo OK" brand speed cameras were disabled Tuesday with a coat of black spraypaint across their lenses. A 47-year-old man in Vercelli, Italy, fought back against automated ticketing by gluing the locks on the city hall doors in Greggio on January 4. The attack was captured on a security camera, leading to the man being charged for the incident.

"I wanted to take revenge for the two fines taken with the speed camera," he explained.

In South Island, New Zealand, vigilantes on Friday blasted the speed camera on Otatara Road near Invercargill with five shots from a shotgun. The device had been found to have improperly issued 8572 automated citations to innocent motorists.

Vigilantes in Saint-Saturnin, France, on Sunday knocked the speed camera on the RN141 out of position, blinded it with a coat of white spraypaint and left it scorched from an attempt to destroy it with fire. In Vannes, the photo radar device on the RN165 lasted fewer than ten days before white paint prevented it from issuing automated tickets. In Lillers, vigilantes spraypainted the speed camera on the RD943 after the device had been repaired from a similar attack in December. In Milly-la-Foret, vigilantes set fire to the speed camera on the RD837 on Monday, January 24. In Saint-Martin-d'Heuille, the speed camera on the RD977 was knocked down and into a ditch on Sunday, January 23.

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