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Austria, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Smashed
A handful of speed and license plate recognition cameras were disabled last week in Austria, Italy and England.

Smashed Austrian speed camera
Attacks on London, England's "Ultra Low Emission Zone" (ULEZ) tolling cameras continued last week, with The Telegraph reporting the number of times the devices have been knocked out of service so far this year rose to 96 -- a sharp rise from the total of 31 by March 23. In Salzburg, Austria, vigilantes have been sabotaging the speed cameras on Pinzgauer Strasse. So far, three of the automated ticketing devices have had their lenses painted white and the glass smashed. In Arona, Italy, vigilantes on Friday used a crowbar to dismantle the pole-mounted speed camera.

"This time the damage is huge," Mayor Federico Monti told La Prealpina.

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