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Fleximan Defends Himself
Fleximan speaks through lawyer in Italy. Vigilantes took out cameras in France, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK last week.

Bollard blocks speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

In Italy, government officials continue to leak unflattering information about Enrico Mantoan, the man accused of being the anti-speed camera vigilante, Fleximan. Speaking to Il Resto del Carlino, Mantoan's lawyer, Giorgia Furlanetto, clarified that Mantoan is an upstanding member of the community, who is the first to volunteer when natural disaster strikes. He is calm about what's likely to happen next given the overwhelming support he is receiving from all around the country.

In Briord, France, opponents of automated ticketing on Saturday scorched the speed camera on the RD19. In Saint-Martin-l'Hortier, vigilantes pried a large, white roadside bollard out of the ground and propped it up against the speed camera on the RD1314, blocking its ability to see the road ahead. A more conventional attack near Mireval used black spraypaint to blind the speed camera on the RD612 on Monday, May 21.

Vigilantes in Tienray, Netherlands, cut down the pole-mounted speed camera on Tienrayseweg on Saturday. The same device had been chopped down in February. In Edinburgh, Scotland, automated ticketing foes disabled the speed camera on Old Dalkeith Road, on Monday, May 20. Spraypaint-wielding opponents of automated ticketing in Reichshof, Germany, used a coat of white paint to take out the speed camera on Odenspieler Strasse on Sunday, May 19, according to local police.

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