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Speed Cameras Burned And Blinded In France, Germany
Nearly a dozen speed cameras were disabled last week in Germany and France.

Spraypainted German speed camera
By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

In Marnay-sur-Seine, Italy, a car rammed the speed camera on the RD619 on Saturday. The driver responsible had fallen asleep at the wheel. In Avrechy, the same speed camera on the RD916 was spraypainted twice with pink paint within 48 hours -- with the most recent attack taking place on Saturday.

Red, black and white spraypaint was used to disable five speed cameras in France last week. This included a pair of automated ticketing machines on the RD83 in Rouffach, a photo radar unit on the RD417 in Wintzenheim, a photo speed trap on the RD11 near Trois-Epis and the speed camera on the RD415 in Andolsheim.

In Codroipo, Italy, vigilantes cut down the speed camera on State Road 13 on Monday, February 10. The device had generated over 360,000 euros in profit. In Gottingen, Germany, vigilantes on February 3 blinded the speed camera on Hannoversche Strasse with red spraypaint, according to local police reports. Officials have no idea who might be responsible.

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