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ALPR reader
Virginia Judge Bans Passive Use Of License Plate Readers
Fairfax County, Virginia judge to issue injunction prohibiting passive surveillance with automated license plate reader cameras.

The use of automated license plate readers (ALPR, also known as ANPR) may be coming to an end in Virginia. A Fairfax County judge on Monday agreed with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that it is against the law for police to track motorists accused of no wrongdoing. The Virginia Supreme Court last year expressed skepticism about ALPR as it asked Judge Robert J. Smith last year to clarify how the systems work in practice (view Supreme Court ruling). Fa ...

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SCAG report cover
California Cities Push Congestion Tax
Southern California governments lobby to impose congestion tax on Los Angeles motorists.

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Missouri courthouse
Missouri: Red Light Camera Victim Wins Jury Verdict
Woman arrested in St. Peters, Missouri over a red light camera ticket wins $100,000 judgment, plus legal fees.

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US Supreme Court
US Supreme Court Case Could Cripple Photo Enforcement
US Supreme Court agrees to take a case to decide whether the owner of a vehicle can be presumed to be its driver.

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Smashed French speed camera
France: Profit Sinks By $714 Million As Cameras Are Destroyed
The speed cameras destroyed by the Yellow Vest movement have cost the French government $714 million in lost profit so far.

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