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Drunk driving
US Supremes To Decide Whether Passed Out Drunks Have Given Implied Consent
US Supreme Court to decide whether a warrant is needed to take blood from an unconscious motorist suspected of drunk driving.

Do police need a warrant to take blood from an unconscious motorist? The US Supreme Court earlier this month decided to answer that question by accepting the case of Gerald P. Mitchell. The justices will decide whether Wisconsin's implied consent law can affirmatively state that individuals, like Mitchell, who are not awake automatically agree to have their blood taken. Wisconsin's highest court saw no problem with the law used to take Mitchell's blood on May 30, 2013. After receiving a phone ...

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Geico logo
Pennsylvania Supremes Side With Motorcyclist Over Geico
Attempt by insurance giant Geico to underpay the claim of a motorcyclist struck down by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

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Interstate 81
Virginia Considers Cameras To Issue Tickets On Alternate Routes Around Toll Road
Plan to toll Virginia interstate creates photo ticketing system to cite people who take alternate routes to avoid tolls.

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Steven Mello
Study Finds Traffic Ticket Debt Hits Poor Hardest
Economic analysis of 3.7 million Florida traffic tickets reveals a disproportionately negative impact on low-income motorists.

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Macron grand debate
French Government Retreats From Lowered Speed Limits
French government signals potential to make more concessions to yellow vest protesters. Speed cameras under attack in Belgium, Germany and Italy.

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