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Lancet study cover
Scotland: Lowering Drunk Driving Limit Did Nothing For Safety
Medical journal finds lowering of the drunk driving threshold to .05 failed to reduce traffic accidents in Scotland.

Lowering the threshold for convicting a motorist of drunk driving has done nothing to improve road safety in Scotland. The Lancet, a respected medical journal, last month examined the impact of Scotland's lowering of the motorist's legal blood alcohol content (BAC) level from .08 to .05. The change took effect on December 5, 2014, giving the team funded by the UK National Institute for Health Research four years of accident statistics to draw their results. "After the reduction in BAC limits ...

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Maxima blinker
Federal Court Upholds Traffic Stop Over Fast Blinker
Properly indicating a turn with a signal that is in working order, but blinks rapidly, is potentially unlawful under federal appeals court ruling.

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Car being towed
New Mexico Appeals Court Shuts Down Car Confiscation Program
State appeals court ruling drives final nail in coffin of Albuquerque, New Mexico car seizure enterprise.

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Zullo stop
Vermont Supreme Court Holds Cops Liable For Racist Traffic Stop
Black motorist may sue Vermont State Police over a baseless traffic stop.

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Yellow vest march
French Yellow Vest Protests Regain Steam
French yellow vest protesters disabled speed cameras for the new year, as did vigilantes in Italy. A German speed camera caused a fatal accident.

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