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South African speed camera burned
Belarus, Ecuador, France, Italy, South Africa: Speed Cameras Blinded
Speed cameras across multiple continents were tarred and feathered, burned or spraypainted.

Vigilantes in Mpumalanga, South Africa used screwdrivers on Wednesday to pry open the speed camera on the R40. The device, which had just been installed at that location two weeks previously, had already issued 17,541 automated tickets, according to Jacaranda FM. In Latina, Italy, rats took out the speed camera on the Via Litoranea. The private company that runs the automated ticketing machine re ...

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Cedric Gordon SUV
Federal Judge Catches Mississippi Traffic Cop In A Lie
Federal judge in Mississippi uncovers contradictory testimony about a police traffic stop.

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BusPatrol logo
Gag Order For Bus Camera Operator Legal Challenge
Texas Appeals Court issues gag order shielding legal challenge of bus camera company from public scrutiny.

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Michael A. Campbell
Indiana Supreme Court Considers Speeding Stop By Forgetful Cop
Indiana Supreme Court weighs whether speeding stop is valid if the police officer does not remember how fast the suspect was going.

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Tire chalking
Michigan Motorist Fights Tire Chalking
Sixth Circuit US Court of Appeals to rule on whether meter maids need to obtain a warrant before chalking tires.

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