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Arkansas Town Banned From Issuing Speeding Tickets
Judge finds Damascus, Arkansas guilty of violating the state anti-speed trap law.

After a year-long attempt to save its ability to issue speeding tickets, the notorious speed trap town of Damascus, Arkansas, has officially been declared a scofflaw. Circuit Court Judge Chris Carnahan last week struck down the legal challenge Damascus mayor L.B. Pavatt mounted in the hopes of restoring the town of 379's most important source of revenue. "The plaintiffs, by clear and convincing evidence, are found to be in violation of the Arkansas speed trap law," Judge Carnahan ruled. "The ...

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IIHS red light camera map
Federal Reports Documents Nationwide Photo Enforcement Decline
Flawed state reports on photo enforcement document the decline in automated ticketing around the nation.

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Iowa automated enforcemetn report cover
States Ignore Congressional Demand For Photo Enforcement Transparency
Most states refuse to follow federal law seeking accident and citation data from jurisdictions that use red light cameras and speed cameras on public roads.

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Patriotic French speed camera August 2018
France, Italy: More Speed Cameras Out Of Service
Widespread attacks on French speed cameras intensified last week, and a fake Italian speed camera causes a fatal motorcycle accident.

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Federal Funds Turn Texas Speed Traps Into Municipal Windfall
Austin, Texas turns $1 million in federal speed trap funding into $4.7 million in annual profit.

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