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I77 Express Lanes
North Carolina Legislature Votes To Undo Toll Road Deal
North Carolina General Assembly to give governor authority and funding to cancel the transfer of toll lanes to a Spanish company.

A controversial deal to sell a portion of Interstate 77 in North Carolina to a Spanish company could soon unravel. The state House and Senate each approved legislation Friday giving Governor Roy Cooper (D) the authority needed to back out of the fifty-year high occupancy toll (HOT) lane contract with Cintra of Spain. The Senate-passed measure allocates up to $620 million to pay for any contract termination penalties, as long as the governor acts before October 15. The cash will come from prev ...

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Saudi speed camera blocked
Rhode Island, France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Painted
Spraypaint and shopping carts were effective last week is thwarting the use of automated ticketing machines.

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Bicycle superhighway
UK: London Mayor Spends $1 Billion On Barely Used Cycle Lanes
Bicycling accounts for between one and two percent of travel in London, England, but it receives the most attention from the mayor.

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Speed filter
Georgia Court Green Lights Snapchat Speeding Selfie Lawsuit
Georgia Court of Appeals allows injured driver to sue Snapchat for allowing users to take selfies while speeding.

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Redflex and Verra logos
Speed Camera Companies Seek To Reinvent Selves
Redflex and ATS both seek to enter European markets while diversifying their ticketing technology.

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