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Concrete-smeared speed camera
DC, France: Photo Radar Under Assault
Eleven speed cameras were disabled in Washington, DC as vigilantes in France continued the campaign against automated ticketing with spraypaint.

Vigilantes took out eleven speed cameras throughout the District of Columbia last Tuesday. According to the Metropolitan Police Departmnet, the automated ticketing machines were ripped apart or knocked over on 295; Ridge Road and Pennsylvania Avenue in Southeast; and Eastern Avenue, Fort Lincoln Drive, Kenilworth Avenue and South Dakota Avenue in Northeast. On Friday, bright green spraypaint was used to disable the speed camera on the RN42 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, according to read more >> 

Kentucky Supreme Court
Kentucky Supreme Court Endorses License Plate Camera Tracking
Kentucky police can use cameras to track motorists without a warrant under a state Supreme Court ruling handed down last week.

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Pulling out of gas station
Georgia Court OKs Cutting Through Gas Station To Avoid Traffic Signals
Appellate court makes clear that cutting through parking lots to avoid traffic lights is legal in Georgia.

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Israel Klein
New York: Lawsuit Seeks Speed Camera Ticket Refund
New York lawyer files suit to force refund of New York City speed camera tickets over failure to file required documents with the court.

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Michigan Legislature
Michigan Repeals Speeding Ticket Tax
Michigan repeals driver responsibility program and forgives all outstanding debt.

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