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Carbonera, Italy speed camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Destroyed In Protest
Outrage over lowered speed limits in France results in the destruction of speed cameras nationwide.

The French government's decision to lower the speed limit on departmental roads from 90 km/h (56 MPH) to 80 km/h (50 MPH) on July 1 has sparked a nationwide backlash. Dozens of speed cameras were burned, spraypainted or covered in protest last week. Vigilantes began by torching three speed cameras in the Rhone-Alpes region. According to Le Dauphine, the devices ...

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Vancouver intersection
Canadian Study Uses Video Analysis To Track Bicycle, Motorist Conflicts
Canadian researchers use computer analysis of video footage to find engineering improvements at intersections.

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Brian Frosh
Maryland Attorney General Slaps Speed Camera Cities For Lack of Transparency
Maryland attorney general says cities cannot use speed camera vendors to duck responsibility under government transparency laws.

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Jamie Banks-Harvey
Ohio Supreme Court Cracks Down On Motorist Purse Searches
Ohio Supreme Court rejects policy telling police to search any purse belonging to a motorist arrested during a traffic stop.

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Judge Michael E. Powell
Ohio Court Of Appeals Sides With Motorists Against Cameras
New Miami, Ohio cannot escape refund of illegally issued speed camera tickets by claiming sovereign immunity, the Court of Appeals ruled.

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