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2017 Year In Review
The ten most popular stories on for the year 2017.

The following were the ten most viewed stories on during 2017.
  1. Ohio Town Ordered To Repay Every Speed Camera Ticket Issued
    A county court ordered New Miami, Ohio to repay every cent collected from motorists from its unconstitutional speed camera program.
  2. Pennsylvania Cops Settle After Sober Man Jailed For DUI
    A man spent five months in p ...

Catlin and Crestwood logos
Illinois: Insurance Company Refuses To Cover Illegal Red Light Camera Program
Red light camera trap in Crestwood, Illinois is so extreme that the village insurance company refuses to reimburse the city for lawsuit damages.

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Oklahoma Supreme Court
Oklahoma Supreme Court Slams DUI Law
Oklahoma Supreme Court declares law that seizes driving licenses upon an accusation of drunk driving to be a bad idea.

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Perth, Australia speed camera
Australia, France: Speed Cameras Does A Wheelie
Australian speed camera van crashes in a ditch while vigilantes decorate speed cameras for Christmas.

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Mats Jarlstrom
Oregon: Federal Judge Sides With Anti-Camera Engineer
Federal judge will decide how to punish Oregon Engineering Board for violating free speech rights of a red light camera critic.

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