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President Trump with Secretary Chao
Motorist Group Urges Trump Admininstration To Dump Ticket Quotas
National Motorists Association urges president, transportation secretary to nominate traffic safety administrator who will end ticket quotas.

The time has come for the federal government to stop its support for ticket quotas, a driver's rights group said in a letter to US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. National Motorists Association (NMA) President Gary Biller wants the Trump administration to nominate a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) chief willing to "shake up the status quo." "The federal and state governments treat motorists like disciplinarian 'spare the rod, spoil the child' parents except that ...

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Saudi speed camera tipped
Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Scorched, Tipped
Vigilantes in Saudi Arabia took out a trio of speed cameras last week.

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Drugged driving
Iowa Supreme Court Upholds Ban On Driving While High
Zero-tolerance ban on driving after smoking a joint upheld by Iowa Supreme Court.

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Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio Supreme Court Overturns Fake Ban On Speed Cameras
Ohio lawmakers cannot have it both ways under a Supreme Court ruling saying speed cameras are an all or nothing proposition.

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Fender bender
New Jersey Appellate Court Says Accidents Not Always Careless
Causing a fender bender is not proof of carelessness in a New Jersey court.

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