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Traffic Safety Facts cover
Federal Stats Overstate Role Of Speeding In Fatal Crashes
US Transportation Department figures overstate the role of speeding in fatal accidents by a factor of four.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) last week released the agency's latest analysis of speeding-related traffic fatalities in the United States. While the document concludes that speeding was a factor in 27 percent of fatal traffic collisions, a closer look at the underlying data show that only one-fourth of these "speeders" were actually exceeding the posted limit. The US Department of Transportation's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) describes the actions of ...

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Pink speed camera in Quevert, France
Belgium, France, Latvia, Russia: Speed Cameras Scorched, Swiped, Sprayed
Speed cameras attacks kick into high gear in France, sparking similar actions in Belgium, Latvia and Russia.

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John Voyage
Australia: State Refuses Refunds From Virus Infected Speed Cameras
Victoria, Australia speed camera commissioner report says there is no reason to doubt tickets from speed cameras compromised by ransomware.

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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Rejects Roadside Search Warrants
A divided Iowa Supreme Court refuses to require police to obtain a search warrant electronically before searching vehicles during a traffic stop.

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Khan vision of London
UK: London Mayor Goes All Out With Anti-Car Strategy
Mayor of London, England unveils a strategy to tax motorists to pay for a massive expansion in transit.

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