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ALPR map in New York state
New York High Court Upholds License Plate Scanning
New York Court of Appeals takes up plate reading case for the first time to grant law enforcement unlimited ability to scan vehicles.

Throughout New York state, police agencies have for years been using automated license plate readers (ALPR, also known as ANPR in Europe) without the sanction of the legislature or the courts. Earlier this month, the New York Court of Appeals -- the state's highest court -- took up the question for the first time and sided with the use of plates to track members of the public, even if they are not suspected of committing any crime. The town of Rhinebeck, for example, has a population of just ...

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Traffic stop
Pennsylvania Appellate Court Revives Administrative Ticket Nightmare
Appellate court in Pennsylvania sends motorist back to square one on his four-year attempt to settle a speeding ticket.

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Car seat
Study Finds Car Seat, Seat Belt Laws Do Not Save Children
Medical researchers find that passing laws mandating car seats and seat belts has no impact on child traffic fatalities.

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Lynnwood logo
Motorists Sue Over Washington Traffic Camera Secrecy
Ongoing federal lawsuit seeks red light camera refunds because Lynnwood, Washington refused to publish safety data.

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Pink French speed camera
Iowa, France, Germany: Speed Cameras Ignite, Implode
Pink and yellow spraypaint, fire and sledgehammers took out speed cameras in Europe and Iowa last week.

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