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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Nullifies DUI Arrest Fees
Cops may not bill motorists for routine police work by calling it an emergency response, Iowa Supreme Court rules.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime carrying court-imposed penalties that typically cost those convicted around $10,000. Officials in Scott County, Iowa decided they could get some of that money for themselves by directly billing DUI suspects for the "emergency response" provided by police. The practice ended Friday with the Iowa Supreme Court declaring it unlawful. The high court took up three cases in which tipsy drivers were billed up to $159 for the investigation of an al ...

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La Couronne speed camera
France: Vigilantes Spraypaint Speed Camera White
A speed camera in La Couronne, France was disabled with white spraypaint on Saturday.

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William Barboza
Federal Appeals Court Clears Cops In Prosecution Of Potty Mouth Motorist
Police face no penalty for violating First Amendment right of motorists to write naughty comments on a speeding ticket payment.

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Dick Traini
Alaska Politicians Seek To Revive Banned Red Light Camera Program
Local politicians in Anchorage, Alaska propose ballot measure undermining the photo enforcement ban drafted and enacted by voters in 1997.

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NTTA headquarters
Texas: Lawsuit Battles Toll Road Over Bankruptcy Law Violation
Federal lawsuit accuses North Texas Tollway Authority of illegally attempting to collect on debt discharged in bankruptcy proceedings.

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