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Austin capitol
Texas Legislature Becomes Red Light Camera Battleground
State lawmakers introduce bills to pull the plug on red light cameras in Texas.

The Texas legislature meets briefly before every two years, leaving no time to waste for activists seeking a major policy change. Red light camera opponents hope that they finally have what it takes to end the state's red light camera program when the 85th regular session opens next month in Austin. "I am very encouraged that more legislators are joining our fight against the cameras," Campaign for Liberty's Texas spokesman Byron Schirmbeck told TheNewspaper. "This looks like our best year ye ...

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Directing traffic
North Carolina Court Says Drivers Can Ignore Police Signals To Stop
To convict suspected drunk driver, North Carolina Appeals Court says motorists can ignore directions of a cop standing in middle of road.

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Ape mask from Sweden
France, Germany, Sweden, UK: Speed Cameras Torched, Painted, Mocked
Speed cameras across Europe are treated with disrespect last week.

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Guy Sample
Washington Appeals Court Convicts Kiddie Pool Motorcyclist
Conviction upheld for speeding motorcyclist caught in a failed attempt to hide his bike under a kiddie pool.

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License plate reader
Virginia Court Says License Plate Tracking Is Legal
Fairfax County, Virginia court rejects ACLU lawsuit designed to stop police tracking via license plate cameras.

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