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Judge Thomas Logue
Florida Appeal Court Saves Red Light Cameras
Appellate panel in Florida invites the state Supreme Court to resolve questions surrounding the legality of red light cameras.

Florida courts are split on red light cameras. On Wednesday, a Court of Appeal panel in the Third District registered its disagreement with the Fourth District (view ruling), setting the stage for the state Supreme Court to step in and resolve the split. The new decision upheld a citation issued by American Traffic Solutions (ATS) on behalf of the city of Aventura. Lawyers for motorist Luis Torres Jimenez argued that state law requires a police officer to revi ...

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Virginia Beach safe right turn
Virginia Town Destroyed Required Red Light Camera Records
Virginia Beach, Virginia ignores state law requiring the study of engineering improvements prior to installing red light cameras.

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New Jersey Supreme Court
New Jersey Supreme Court Allows High Beams On Empty Roads
High court in New Jersey finds it unreasonable for police to pull over motorists for using high beams when there is no oncoming traffic.

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Arcore, Italy speed camera
France, Italy, Luxembourg, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled
Vigilantes across Europe used a variety of methods to take out speed cameras last week.

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Suspended license
Virginia: Lawsuit Seeks To End License Suspension Over Unpaid Fees
Lawsuit argues debt-related license suspensions in Virginia trap low-income motorists in a cycle of poverty.

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