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Judge Virginia M. Kendall
Illinois: Six-Figure Fines Levied In Redflex Corruption Trial
Chicago, Illinois official must forfeit $680,107 in bribes received from Redflex Traffic Systems. Bagman fined $98,837.

US District Judge Virginia M. Kendall wants the public to know that red light camera crime should not pay. On Friday, she ordered former Chicago, Illinois transportation official John Bills to forfeit to the federal government the $680,107 he received in the form of gifts and cash from Redflex Traffic Systems. A federal jury in January found Bills guilty of taking bribes in return for his assistance in landing the largest red light camera program of its type for the Australian company. Bills ...

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Vercia speed camera
France: Speed Camera Disabled With Spraypaint
French vigilantes use a can of spraypaint to take a speed camera out of service in Vercia.

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Rep. Andy Holt
Tennessee Lawmaker Burns Photo Ticket In Live Video
State representative urges recipients of red light and speed camera tickets in Tennessee to throw away the notices.

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241 toll road
California Toll Roads Sued Over Deceptive Practices
Class action lawsuit claims Orange County, California toll road generates tens of millions in penalties by misleading motorists.

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Barbara Joan Lopp
Federal Judge: Motorist Looking Forward Is Not Suspicious
A woman pulled over in Sioux City, Iowa because she was not looking at police will likely have her conviction tossed out in federal court.

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