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Scottsdale logo
Scottsdale, Arizona Initially Ignored AG Opinion On Cameras
Scottsdale, Arizona processed photo tickets for 12 days in defiance of an attorney general ruling. Ticketing now entirely shut down.

For nearly two weeks, Scottsdale, Arizona allowed its private vendor to process over a hundred red light camera and speed camera tickets in defiance of a ruling from the state attorney general. On March 16, Attorney General Mark Brnovich ruled that it is a class one misdemeanor for a photo ticketing company to provide evidence for use in a court of law unless it holds a private investigator license (read opinion). Scottsdale's camera vendor, American Traffic Solut ...

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Burned French speed camera
Belgium, Ecuador, France, UK: Speed Cameras Disabled
Throughout the world, vigilantes take action against automated ticketing machines.

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TRB report cover
Study: Most Red Light Camera Tickets Should Be $0
Researchers find that a red light camera fine set according to the risk of an accident would in most cases be $0.

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Illinois Supreme Court: Avoiding A Roadblock Is Suspicious
Illinois Supreme Court declares a legal maneuver to avoid a late-night roadblock suspicious.

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IIHS report cover
Opinion: Insurance Industry Claims 32,894 Deaths From Higher Speed Limits
Insurance industry study claims that lives were lost by repealing the 55 MPH speed limit, despite record low fatalities nationwide.

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