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Jersey Village
Texas: Camera Company Reveals Anti-Referendum Strategy
City council in Jersey Village, Texas deploys ballot countermeasure to save automated ticketing until 2024 and beyond.

After being defeated at the ballot box seven times in Texas, red light camera companies have come up with a new strategy to rescue their programs. Instead of going to court to block the vote in Jersey City, American Traffic Solutions (ATS) convinced the city council last week to place a second measure on the ballot that would undermine Proposition One, the charter amendment submitted by the Houston suburb's voters. Last year, residents outraged by the automated ticketing system successfully < ...

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Redflex attorney Steven A. Weiss
Redflex Admits Corporate Bribery Chicago, Illinois Lawsuit
Redflex Australia throws US division under the bus in $383 million Chicago, Illinois bribery lawsuit.

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Gregorio Paniagua-Garcia
Federal Court Declares Indiana Texting Law Useless
Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals overturns an Indiana traffic stop because looking at a phone behind the wheel is not evidence of texting.

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Kelli Hastings
Florida Court Nullifies Red Light Camera Ticket
Circuit Court appellate panel in Orange County, Florida overturns ticket because private vendor has too much power.

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Saudi photo radar van burns
France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Camera Destroys Itself
A Saudi speed camera spontaneously combusts while French speed cameras are decorated for Valentine's Day.

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