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Alan Freeman
Maryland Officials Plant Support For Speed Cameras
Montgomery County, Maryland officials help plant letters praising speed cameras in local newspapers.

Officials in Montgomery County, Maryland have been coordinating with individuals to create the impression that "dispassionate citizens" support the use of speed cameras. A freedom of information request filed by the Maryland Drivers Alliance recently uncovered emails in which Police Captain Thomas Didone helped edit letters to the editor in the local newspaper praising photo ticketing. On at least two occasions, Alan M. Freeman, a partner at a W ...

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Judge Rosemary M. Collyer
Federal Court Clears DC In Sexting Traffic Cop Case
Police department in Washington, DC will not be held accountable after officer caught snooping through motorist phone looking for nude photos.

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Chrysler 300
US Appeals Court Endorses Arrest For A Late Turn Signal
Federal appellate court takes the opportunity to remind police officers that they can arrest people for failing to signal early enough.

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Illinois Appellate Court Says Cameras Can Ticket Year Round
Speed cameras in Illinois will operate nearly year round under appellate court ruling.

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Lego speed camera
France: Speed Cameras Threatened, Decorated
A French artist decorates a speed camera with Legos while another man is arrested for threatening to smash a camera.

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