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Dawn Prado
Wisconsin: No More Drawing Blood From Unconscious Motorists
Wisconsin Supreme Court tells police they need to get a warrant before taking blood from unconscious drivers.

By Richard Diamond Police in Wisconsin may no longer draw blood from unconscious motorists following a state Supreme Court ruling last week. The justices declared unconstitutional a provision of state law stating unresponsive motorists are deemed to give their consent to blood draws when they applied for a driver's license. As a result of the decision, police will have to secure a warrant in cases like that of Dawn M. Prado, who was involved in a fatal collision on H ...

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Disrespecting a German speed camera
Speed Cameras Damaged in France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg
Several European speed cameras were again targeted by vigilantes last week. South African speed camera operator killed while manning trap.

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Chief Justice Steven C. Gonzalez
Washington Supreme Court Takes Up Speed Camera Case
School zone speed camera dispute heard in the Washington Supreme Court.

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Italian red light camera box destroyed
Speed Camera Attacks In France, Luxembourg, Italy
Several speed cameras were taken out across Europe last week.

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House Transportation Committee
US House Democrats Seek Government Funds For Speed Cameras
Federal transportation reauthorization measure would use taxpayer dollars to subsidize the roll out of speed cameras nationwide.

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