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Downed speed camera in Italy
European Speed Cameras Face Trouble
Spain admits speed camera issued 15,844 bogus tickets. Vigilantes took out cameras in Belgium, France and Italy last week.

Spain's transportation department, the Direccion General de Trafico (DGT), announced its decision to cancel 15,844 speed camera fines along with the associated points that were applied to drivers' licenses. The camera on the A-66 highway toward Leon was ticketing cars driving over 90km/h (56 MPH) when the speed limit was actually 120km/h (75 MPH). A consumer rights group, La Union de Consumidores, noted that the DGT was aware of the problem years ago as a motorist won a court case on the issue o ...

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Temporary tag
Colorado Court Rejects Temporary Tags In Back Window
Temporary license plates may not be placed in the rear window under a Colorado Court of Appeals ruling.

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French speed camera burned
Bombs Used On Italian And French Speed Cameras
Small explosive devices were used against automated ticketing machines in Europe last week.

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Crow Indian Reservation police
US Supreme Court Takes Up Tribal Traffic Stops
High court justices to limit or expand the authority of Indian tribes to conduct speed traps and traffic stops.

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Sliced Italian speed camera
Speed Cameras Foiled In Germany, Italy, UK
Several speed cameras were bombed, knocked over and ripped apart in Europe last week.

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