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DC Mayor Bowser
DC Cracks Down On Drivers From Maryland, Virginia
Washington, DC passes measure that will ban right turns on red, expand red light camera use and suspend out-of-state licenses over photo tickets.

The District of Columbia has finalized a city council resolution that will massively increase the number of traffic tickets issued in the US capital. The thirty-one-page measure adopted unanimously last week will slash speed limits throughout the city to 20 MPH, reinstate a ban on right turns on red and massively increase the use of automated ticketing machines. As passed by the city council, the measure requires the mayor to ensure its for-profit ticketing contractor installs at least ten bu ...

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Green painted speed camera
French Vigillantes Disable A Few Speed Cameras
Opponents of automated ticketing in France only took out a handful of speed cameras last week.

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Safespeed investigation
Safespeed Denies Red Light Camera Racketeering Conspiracy
Action postponed in red light camera RICO lawsuit against Safespeed.

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Sprayed French speed camera
Canada, France: Speed Cameras Sprayed, Burned
A handful of speed cameras in Canada and France were thwarted by vigilante action last week.

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New York state trooper ALPR car
New York High Court Rejects License Plate Reader Stop
Highest court in New York state creates a higher standard for pulling over a motorist over minor traffic infractions.

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