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Kent Maynard
Lawsuit Takes On Red Light Camera Vendor For Racketeering
Illinois lawyer goes after red light camera vendor Safespeed for using fraudulent means to collect millions from motorists.

Red light camera vendor Safespeed is under federal scrutiny for its role in the bribery scheme that has already brought a guilty plea from one of the most powerful state politicians in Illinois. Martin A. Sandoval, until recently the state Senate Transportation Committee chairman, took bribes from the red light camera vendor Safespeed in return for his work blocking anti-camera legislation in Springfield. Now a local attorney, Kent Maynard Jr, is using a class act ...

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Delegate Jay Jones
Virginia House Passes Speed Camera Bill
Virginia House of Delegates quietly adopts legislation giving any jurisdiction in the state authority to set up speed cameras.

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Brad Lander
New York City To Confiscate Cars Over Speed Camera Tickets
New York City Council to vote on plan that impounds cars that accumulate a certain number of red light or speed camera tickets.

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Burned Italian speed camera
Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Taking Fire
Vigilantes throughout the world fought back against speed cameras last week.

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ATRI report cover
Audit Reveals The High Cost Of Toll Roads
Financial analysis of major toll road systems finds substantial diversion of revenue to third parties.

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