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Eleanor Holmes Norton
US House Debates Monetizing Congestion
US House hearing explores both sides of the use of tolls to convert traffic jams into a revenue source.

Groups interested in the monetization of congestion appeared last week before the US House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit for a hearing that examined both the advantages and disadvantages of imposing tolls on existing road capacity. Representative Peter DeFazio (D-Oregon), the full Transportation Committee's chairman, expressed concern about tolling given the sky-high rates being charged on the Interstate 66 toll road in Virginia. "You can't just price people off the road," DeFazio said ...

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Blaylock and Moody
Mississippi: Top Cop, Clerk Busted Over Fake Speeding Tickets
Police chief and city clerk in Ecru, Mississippi admit they faked speeding tickets in order to embezzle cash.

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French speed camera charred
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Charred, Junked
Vigilantes across France continue destroying speed cameras while an automated ticketing machine in Italy causes a massive freeway crash.

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2002 Camaro
Alabama Cop Busted For Towing Cars From Lawn
Alabama Court of Appeals says police officer can be sued for confiscating without due process cars parked on a lawn.

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Baltimore roadblock
Maryland Court Upholds Seat Belt Ticket Roadblocks
Police stopping drivers at intersections to check seatbelt use is not a checkpoint, Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled.

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