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Lord Carloway
Scottish Court Upholds Photo Ticket Signed By Resigned Cop
High court in Scotland upholds speed camera ticket issued under the signature of a police chief who had left the force 80 days prior.

The official-looking signature that appears on speed camera tickets in Scotland is just for show. A decision published Friday by the High Court of Justiciary concluded that it did not matter if a citation uses an electronic facsimile signature belonging to someone who left the police department long before the alleged offense occurred. The case began on April 26, 2018, as John Frederick Scrimgeour-Wedderburn was driving his Mercedes on the A92 in Glenrothes. An automated ticketing machine pho ...

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Blinded French turret camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Shot, Blinded, Burned
Multiple speed cameras were shot, blinded or burned last week in France and Italy.

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Redflex losses
Redflex Ends Another Year Without Profit
Redflex Traffic Systems continued its six-year losing streak in fiscal 2019.

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OKelley Bar
Arizona Appeals Court: Driving Safely Away From A Bar Not Suspicious
Arizona Court of Appeals rejects the idea that driving slowly away from a parking lot near a bar is suspicious.

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GSA Chevy Volt
Feds Ditching Electric Cars As Impractical
Federal agencies find electric cars not worth buying, despite executive order mandating alternative vehicle use.

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