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Illinois Appellate Courthouse
Illinois Court Chastens Flippant Cop Over Bogus Traffic Stop
Illinois Appellate Court rejects traffic stop based on claim that a driver briefly touched the edges of the lane on a twisty road.

An Illinois motorist walked away from a drunk driving conviction last week after the state's second highest court rejected the police account of events. Amy Lynn Mueller had been passing through McHenry County on US Route 12 on February 11, 2017, when her Jeep drew the attention of sheriff's deputy Trent Raupp. She turned left (after signaling) onto Illinois Route 31, and the deputy followed. On a dark, twisty stretch of road, her tires briefly grazed the inside and outside lines of her lane ...

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Garret Wilhelm
California: Apple Not Responsible For Fatal FaceTime Car Crash
Motorist distracted by FaceTime app, not cell phone maker, held liable in fatal crash under California Court of Appeal ruling.

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Macron yellow vest speech
Minor Concessions Fail To Satisfy French Speed Camera Resistance
Speech of French president fails to stop widespread speed camera destruction. Automated ticketing machines attacked in Italy and California.

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Motorcycle roadblock
US Senate Condemns Motorcycle Profiling
Non-binding resolution passes US Senate urging law enforcement to condemn the singling out of motorcyclists for traffic stops.

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Pit maneuver
Federal Court Says Police Can Run Non-violent Suspects Off The Road
Federal appeals court supports state trooper who rammed a woman off the road for failing to stop within 42 seconds over a paperwork violation.

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