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NAS report cover
National Academies Report Demands $70 Billion In Highway Tolls, Taxes
Federally funded report explores the possibility of turning every mile of interstate highway into a toll road.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine on Thursday released a report saying motorists ought to pay up to $70 billion in higher taxes and tolls every year. The 650 page document laid out the conventional argument of transportation officials who insist that drivers simply are not paying enough at the pump, DMV registration counters and toll booths. Currently, about $25 billion is spent on interstate highway system improvement, with just $2.2 billion of that amount devoted ...

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Roy Lynem
Kentucky Court Upholds License Plate Scan Traffic Stops
Using a fallible license plate reader database check is good enough cause to conduct a traffic stop under Kentucky Court of Appeals ruling.

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French speed camera burns
French Speed Camera Revolt Intensifies
Speed camera casualty total rises to 870 across France while Dutch anti-camera activists decorate photo radar for Christmas.

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Platepass and Hertz
Insurance Company Wants Nothing To Do With Toll Road Lawsuit
Navigators insurance asks federal judge to deny ATS compensation for its alleged ongoing deceptive practices related to rental car tolls.

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Tom Wolf
Pennsylvania Governor Unwittingly Supports Toll Road Lawsuit
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf inadvertently bolsters a lawsuit alleging the Pennsylvania Turnpike rips off motorists and truckers.

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