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Angel Soza
Arizona: Nothing Can Be Done When Cops Coerce Consent
Court of Appeals in Arizona rejects exclusionary rule when police violate state law by improperly telling DUI suspect he cannot refuse breath test.

The results of an illegally coerced breath test will stand under a decision handed down Tuesday by the Arizona Court of Appeals. A three-judge panel found that Tucson police violated state law when they tricked Angel Soza into "consenting" to take a breath test in August 2015, but nothing will be done about that improper conduct. Under Arizona statute, motorists are automatically deemed to have given their consent to a breath test any time they are pulled over for driving under the influence ...

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Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao
OPINION: Federal Transportation Spending Nears All-Time High
Motorists continue to pay far more than their fair share in taxes as transit and rail continue to skim from road funding sources.

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Crashed squad car
Federal Appeals Court Closes Door On Reckless Police Chases
Third Circuit US Court of Appeals says, going forward, police can be held personally accountable for high speed chases that turn deadly.

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Graham Mack
UK Regulator Says Speed Camera Criticism Violates Broadcast Rules
UK broadcast regulator Ofcom finds station broke rules by allowing radio host to refer to speed camera operators as maggots.

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Green painted speed camera in France
France, Italy, Sweden: Speed Cameras Blinded
Vigilantes across Europe continued last week to sabotage speed cameras.

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